Safety Coach
Best Foot Forward
Nearly everyone is a pedestrian at some point during the day, so you likely will want to share free resources to improve pedestrian safety at your workplace and get ideas to participate in National Pedestrian Safety Month this October.
How can motorists and pedestrians work together to share the roads and keep each other safe? Play these one-minute safety videos during your next team meeting to start the conversation:
Display these safety posters on bulletin boards or in common places throughout your building:
Make use of these teaching tools to go one step further:
- Traffic Safety Huddle: Pedestrians
- Safety Coach Cards: Pedestrian set
- Two-sided safety cards: Tips for pedestrians and motorists
Walking has been referred to as the best medicine. Why not launch a step challenge to increase health and wellness? You could incentivize participation by rewarding individuals or teams who meet milestones, like 10,000 steps in a day or 45 miles in a month.
Nearly 900 walkers and bicyclists died in crashes on Texas roads last year, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. Check out these free pedestrian safety campaign materials from TxDOT. Find creative ways to put them to use, and work toward making the roads safer for all users.

Tailgate Talk
United Front
How do pedestrians fit into the traffic safety picture at your workplace? Get answers during a free online training Tuesday, Oct. 17: Pedestrian Safety is a Shared Responsibility.
The Governors Highway Safety Association estimates more than 7,500 pedestrians were killed in crashes on U.S. roads in 2022, continuing an upward trend tracked over recent years. Pedestrian crash injuries and fatalities affect employees, their family members and your organization. Employers bear the brunt of crash costs, whether they occur on or off the job.
During this webinar, National Safety Council Program Manager April Ramos will discuss top factors contributing to traffic crashes involving pedestrians, including driver inattention and speed. She also will discuss countermeasures that can be incorporated to build on a culture of safety at your location. Register to attend now.