July 2023 Safety Coach: Dig Deep in Summer Heat, Move Forward, Be a Leader of Postive Change

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A worker is pictured here checking inventory at a container terminal.

Safety Coach
Safe + Sound Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? OSHA Safe + Sound Week is Aug. 7-13. You’ve heard about the annual safety observance, right? Well, here’s your chance to showcase your workplace health and safety program and participate with others nationwide in a renewed effort to keep workers safe, whether they’re behind the wheel or at the container terminal.

First, review the three core elements to a workplace safety and health program, as outlined by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration. Learn the importance of each one: 

Then, take a Safe + Sound Challenge. You can choose to participate in a challenge for one or all three of the core program elements. Eight optons are listed here.

Finally, tap into these OHSA free resources to enhance your efforts during Safe + Sound Week:

Every year, more than 5,000 workers are killed on the job, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s between 13-14 deaths every day. Transportation incidents account for about 40% of all workplace fatalities, according to the National Safety Council.

Accept the challenge. Strive for zero – zero injuries, zero fatalities. Be safe – and sound.

This is an illustration of an astronaut in outer space. He needs space -- just like drivers and vehicles on the road.
An astronaut needs space – just like drivers and vehicles on the road.

Tailgate Talk
Get Looped In

Great news! We’ve updated our silent looping video file. This popular workplace safety tool is great for your breakroom, lobby or other places where you display information on video monitors. Here, the focus is on keeping everyone safe on the roads, including pedestrians and bicyclists. Create engagement and change driver behavior.

As your employees watch this video – or catch snippets throughout the work day as they pass by monitors – they will learn answers to these questions (and much, much more):

  • What do an astronaut and safe driver have in common?
  • Is it safe to use a hands-free device while driving?
  • Where do you think the majority of fall-asleep crashes occur?

DIRECT DOWNLOAD: Go to this transfer portal to download the MP4 file of this silent looping presentation directly to your computer. Tap on the three white dots in the bottom, right corner, and click download. Set the 15-minute video to play on a loop at your location. Create your own method to collect feedback and/or track learning progress. What is that old saying? Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success! You always want to be in that safety loop.