One Road, One Goal
In 2021, more than 500 motorcycle riders were killed and more than 2,300 were seriously injured in crashes on Texas roads, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. That’s more than six riders seriously injured every day.
Crashes affect workplaces in variety of ways, no matter the mode of transportation. When people are hurt, they miss work, productivity declines. Join us during Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in May as we amplify this TxDOT safety campaign: Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles.
To help keep your employees and their family members safe, post these safety tips on the intranet or bulletin board at your location:
- Avoid distractions: Silence your phone when behind the wheel, focus on driving and keep an eye out for motorcycle riders
- Be extra-alert at intersections: 1 in 3 motorcycle fatalities occurs in a crash at an intersection
- Look twice when changing lanes: Compared to cars or trucks, motorcycles have relatively low profiles and can be difficult to see
- Check your mirrors, check your blind spots and use your turn signals
- Maintain a safe following distance behind a motorcycle rider
Get free motorcycle safety resources to raise awareness of risks or provide ongoing education:
- Ready-made social media graphics, videos and posters from TxDOT
- Motorcycle Roadway Safety from the National Safety Council
- Motorcycle Safety Foundation e-learning courses
- Motorcycle rider safety information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
There is only one road. Everyone who uses that road deserves to make it home safely – every day.

Notch on a Belt
This month, we mark the 20th anniversary of Click It or Ticket in Texas, a safety campaign created to encourage drivers and passengers to buckle up. So, this is a good time to share our 1-minute seat belt safety video. Use the video as an icebreaker to grab everyone’s attention at the start of your next safety meeting.
Download and play the video in English or Spanish.
When seat belt use declines, traffic fatality rates increase. In fact, the number of people who died in crashes while not wearing seat belts increased by 14% in Texas from 2020 to 2021, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. More than 1,200 unbuckled drivers and passengers were killed. That’s three deaths every day.
When the Click It or Ticket campaign first launched statewide two decades ago, 76% of Texans used their seat belts. Now, 9 out of 10 buckle up. What’s holding back those last few? Research shows seat belt use declines when people go out at night or ride in the back seat. The reasons:
- People believe they are safer in the back seat and may not need to be belted on a short trip
- People say they forget or don’t like the way belts fit
We all fall into the “not-me” trap, believing we’re safe drivers. But what about others on the road? Some are distracted and lose their focus. Others nod off behind the wheel. Seat belts save lives and prevent injuries. They can be considered the first line of defense in crashes.
- Seat belt use reduces the risk of dying in a crash by 45% for people riding in the front seat of passenger cars and 60% for those in pickup trucks
Get information and free resources to promote seat belt use at your location:
- Our Driving Concern: Posters, infographics and ready-made safety talks
- Texas Department of Transportation: Videos and print materials
- National Safety Council: Injury Facts®
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Myth vs. The Real Deal and What’s Your Seat Belt IQ?
Watch (30 seconds): Deputy Jon Culin recounts the tragic loss of an unbuckled Iraq war hero in a car crash.
The losses sting, the wins are worth celebrating and the milestones mark progress on our shared safety journey. Buckle up, for yourself and your loved ones.